Quick Reference To Some Common MariaDB Queries


By Mayuri Fakirpure

Updated on Jan 27, 2024

This tutorial will give you quick reference to some command MariaDB queries. Like create a table, inserting records, updating records, and many more. 

Creating a Database

CREATE DATABASE <Database Name>;

It is a simple query to create a database. 

Select The Database

Before executing any of the further queries, we need to select database. Execute following command the select the database.

USE <Database Name>;

Creating a Table 

Once you select the database, we can create a table using following query:

CREATE TABLE <Table Name> (<column_name> <Type>);

For example: 

CREATE TABLE students (
student_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,  
gender CHAR(5),

This are the example of the keywords, we can use while creating the table.

Inserting records

Now, let's check how we can insert the records.

INSERT INTO <Table Name> (column names) VALUES (Data as per the column names);

We need to mention table name first and than column name. We can write column name where we want to insert the data. You can skip any column that hasn't add NOT NULL in the column. 

For example:

INSERT INTO students 
(student_name, age, gender) VALUES 
('John Doe', 21, 'Male'),
('Jenny Mathew', 23 'Female');

Likewise, we can insert the data.

Selecting table

If we want to check the records from the table, here is the simple query we can list out all the records from the table.

SELECT * FROM <table name>;

We can add WHERE clause here and retrieve the specific record.

SELECT * from <table name> WHERE id=1;

Updating records

If we want to change the specific record, we can do it with UPDATE keyword.

UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2 WHERE id=10;

Here we need to provide table name followed by column name and its value. The WHERE clause is important because we need to mention which record need to update. So WHERE clause can get the record by id column and update the record.

For example:

UPDATE students SET
age=23 WHERE

Deleting record

Now, lets check how we can delete the specific record using WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM <table name> WHERE <column name> = <value>;

Be caution in column name. If you mention column name that has duplicate values, it will delete all the records with that value.

For example:

DELETE FROM students 
WHERE id=1;

If we want to empty the table or delete all the records from the table, we can do it using following query:

DELETE FROM <table name>;

Dropping table

It's a simple query to delete the table from database.

DROP TABLE <table name>;

Once we execute this query, the table cannot able to recover unless we have backup.

Dropping database

It's simple query as well. Execute following query to delete the database. Once we  execute following query, we cannot able to recover it unless we have backup.

DROP DATABASE <database name>;

That's it , we have seen quick reference to some command MariaDB queries. Like create a table, inserting records, updating records, and many more.