Install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu

By Jennifer Mathew

Updated on Feb 12, 2024

In this tutorial, we shall show you how to install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 22.04.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a first-person-shooter game from Activision. We shall build the server that will use as a match server with ETPro and latest competitive configuration.


  • A Ubuntu 22.04 dedicated server or KVM VPS.
  • A root user or normal user with administrative privileges.

Install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 20.04

Let’s start with the installation.

1. Keep the server up to date

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Install dependencies

Since Enemy Territory is a dated game, some legacy dependencies are required:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install -y libc6:i386 unzip

3. Install Enemy Territory

Create the directory where Enemy Territory will be installed.

mkdir -p ~/et/

Download the Enemy Territory game installation from Splash Damage.

mkdir -p /tmp/etsetup
cd /tmp/etsetup
./ --noexec --target /tmp/etsetup/extracted
mv extracted/* ~/et/
cd ~/et/
mv bin/Linux/x86/etded.x86 .

4. Install ETTV

In order for ETTV relays to connect to your server, replace the ETTV binary from GamesTV and make it executable.

chmod +x ettv.x86

5. Install ETPro

Download and extract ETPro into place.

rm -rf

6. Configurations

Download the global configurations into place.

cd etpro/
rm -rf
cd ..

Create a file server.cfg using nano editor.

nano etpro/server.cfg

Copy and paste following contents:

//=========================Server Passwords======================//
set g_password "mypassword" // set to password protect the server
set sv_privateclients "0" // if set > 0, then this number of client slots will be reserved for connections
set sv_privatepassword "" // that have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
set rconpassword "myrcon" // remote console access password
set refereePassword "myreferee" // referee status password
set b_shoutcastpassword "myshoutcast" // Shoutcast login

//=============================DL, RATE==========================//
set sv_maxRate "25000"
set sv_dl_maxRate "2048000"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwBaseURL ""
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""

//=============================MOD, ECT==========================//
set sv_hostname "My Server Name" // name of server here
set server_motd0 " " // message in right corner of join screen here
set server_motd1 " "
set server_motd2 " "
set server_motd3 " "
set server_motd4 " "
set server_motd5 " "

//==========================MASTER SERVERS==========================//
// The master servers are unset, which means your server will not appear on the list
// This is to avoid DDoS attacks, delete the next 5 lines if you want your server to reappear on the list

set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""

map radar
wait 300
config global3
wait 150
config global3

//=========================LOG SETTINGS======================//
set g_log "etserver.log"
set g_logsync 0
set logfile 0

set ettv_sv_maxslaves "2"
set ettv_password "3ttv"
set b_ettv_flags "3"

// Maximum number of clients per IP address
set ip_max_clients 2

In this file change the following configuration options to whatever is best for your situation:

  • g_password – This is the password to connect to the gameserver, it may be blank.
  • rconpassword
  • refereePassword
  • b_shoutcastpassword
  • sv_hostname – The name of the server that users see.
  • server_motd0 – (0-5) Text lines that are displayed on server connect.

6. Download additional maps

Additional maps will need to be placed within the etmain/ directory. They can be added in the following manner:

cd etmain/
cd ~/et/

No additional configuration is required.

7. Create new start script

For simplicity, wrap the start command of the new server in a shell script.

Create a new file ~/et/

nano ~/et/

Add following contents:


DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
"${DIR}/ettv.x86" \
+set dedicated 2 \
+set vm_game 0 \
+set net_port 27960 \
+set sv_maxclients 32 \
+set fs_game etpro \
+set sv_punkbuster 0 \
+set fs_basepath "${DIR}" \
+set fs_homepath "${DIR}" \
+exec server.cfg

Make sure this script is executable.

chmod +x ~/et/

Run the Server

To run the server now, invoke the script that was just created:


This will run the server in the foreground. If you wish to run the server in the background for a long period, the script should be invoked from within a utility such as screen or tmux.

It is possible to run more than one Enemy Territory server on your virtual server, to make this possible allocate a different port for every gameserver that will run, this is defined in the script.

Connect to the server

You can connect the server using following command:

/connect; password <Your g_password>


  • We have not tested it by connecting the server. If you face any issue while connecting the server, please contact us using email id.
  • Replace to your server IP.
  • Replace <Your g_password> to your password that you have set.
  • The 27960 value may be different depending on if you have altered the ~/et/ script above.

That's it. The installation is successfully completed.

In this tutorial, we have seen how to install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 22.04.